Wednesday 2 May 2007

Stop Sharia

This picture shows a Muslim woman being buried in the dirt, moments before she will be stoned to death by a large crowd.

And something like this did indeed happen recently. On or around April 7, 2007, Du'a Khalil Aswad, a 17 year old Kurdish girl was murdered by public stoning after running away from home for a so-called honour crime. Du'a was a member of Iraq’s Yezidi religious minority from the village of Bahzan in northern Iraq. She was killed by a group of men and in the presence of a large noisy crowd in the town of Bashika, near the city of Mosul. Some of her relatives may have participated in her stoning.

Amnesty International reported that Du’a Khalil Aswad’s murder is said to have been committed by relatives and other Yezidi men because she had engaged in a relationship with a Sunni Muslim boy and had been absent from her home for one night. Some reports suggested that she had converted to Islam, but others deny this. Initially, she was reportedly given shelter in the house of a Yezidi tribal leader in Bashika, but her killers stormed the house, took her outside and stoned her to death. Her death by stoning lasted for some 30 minutes.

This stoning, incidently, led to the massacre of 23 Yezedis by Muslims who believed Du'a was murdered for converting to Islam.

This is what it is like in countries where Islamic Sharia law is implemented. Now they are beginning to implement it in this country. Past surveys have shown that up to 40% of British Muslims want to see such laws brought to Britain (Q10 at the link provided). We must make sure this barbaric ideology is NEVER allowed to take a grip here or anywhere else in the West.

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