Wednesday 9 May 2007


1. Another new bill is being passed in America that would allow "racism by the jury" to become a valid excuse for appeal for anyone who has been sentenced to death. Again, you don't need any evidence, and there is no way to validate such a claim, but it sure is an easy way to get your sentence delayed.

2. I saw this very short piece by Dinesh D'Souza, who is a known apologist for Islamic terrorism and is repeatedly used to wipe the floor by Robert Spencer in debates, but I thought this was funny:

The owner of an upscale restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, kicked O.J. Simpson out, saying he's sick of the attention that Simpson has been getting. Simpson's lawyer says the expulsion is racially motivated. In a way, he's right. If O.J. was white none of this would have happened. That's because if O.J. was white he would be in prison serving a life sentence for murder.

3. This piece in Socialist Worker thinks everyone is racist - including the NuLabour Government, who are too right-wing for them. Of course, being a socialist publication, it can't help but make comments about the "naked racism" of the Tories as well as labelling immigration controls "racist". Does no one have any imagination anymore?

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