Monday 7 May 2007


A lot of stuff to cover today:

1. Here we learn that a recent report suggested that white referees in the NBA apparently give more fouls against black players than they should (and guess what: this proves that "racism is alive and well in the NBA". I can't hear that phrase enough). Maybe black players are just dirtier (in a fair-play sense, not hygienically). Oops, can I say something that provocative? All races are equal, after all.

2. A video shows Calgary police arresting a black man on drug offenses and treating him rather heavily. This has led to allegations of racism. Again, for no reason I can discern other than that the "victim" was black. For what it's worth, I have no sympathy for him - he's a criminal, he doesn't deserve any.

3. The Director of a school band has been suspended for allegedly making racist comments. As yet there is no indication of what these comments were.

4. The video below shows a debate on Fox News with radio talk show host Chuck Booms on one side and the hapless Hannity & Colmes on the other. It's about a video filmed at a college in which we can see two black boys fighting a white boy. There isn't a clear picture of who started the fight or to what extent it was racially motivated, but the point Booms makes is that if this was reversed, and two white boys were seen fighting with a black boy, the press would automatically assume it was racism by the white boys. However, because they are black no such assumptions are made. The hosts try to deny this and then make wild accusations about his claims. The person or group that posted this video on YouTube also tries to claim Booms said that black-on-white racism is the "biggest problem in the country today". He did not. He said that this willingness by the media to assume that the attacks are racially motivated in one situation and lack of willingness in the other situation is the biggest problem. And he's absolutely right.

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