Monday 21 May 2007


1. This letter to The Statesman Journal enlightens us on how racism still exists in the USA, as well as telling us how bad it really is. Poor old "black men"...George Bush sent them all off to Iraq to die, apparently.

2. This is a much more intelligent piece, by a Harvard student, who examines the way PC culture has stifled genuine debate.

3. A new report examines the difference in quality of life for blacks and whites. And the article asks the question: what causes these inequalities?

I'll tell them: BLACK PEOPLE DO. They are so wrapped up in their racism fantasies that they encase themselves in a shell and do not come out into the real world and live their lives. Rather that take the initiative to get educated and get a job, they prefer to just do as little as possible and then say it's the fault of racism. That's how these poor black ghettos stay poor and black. It's their own choice; perhaps we should be enlightening them as to why it's the wrong one, rather than vindicating their fantasies.

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