Wednesday 10 January 2007

Yobs And the Black Community

I was at Greenwich train station today and there were three black teenagers there, clear troublemakers. They were shouting, swearing, hocking hideous gouts of phlegm onto the railway tracks, and being generally rowdy. They were your typical "yobs".

Now, I suppose you're wondering what the fact that they were black has to do with anything. The answer is that in this case it doesn't, particularly. It's more a sign of today's youth in general than anything else.

But it got me thinking. There is no doubt that the black community - particularly in America - is accustomed to more than it's fair share of violence and thuggery. Black ghettos are some of the most dangerous places in the urban world, barring warzones. Well known black rappers such as 50 Cent will testify to the fact that they grew up in rough neighbourhoods where no one quite has any standards of civility.

But in modern times, we appear to be seeing this culture spreading to other demographics. Those white teenagers we would now class as "chavs" are quite obviously imitating this tough black culture. They wear the bling; they listen to the music; they talk the lingo. And, at the risk of being "classist", chavs typically turn out to be thugs themselves. The kind of "yobs" we hear about on the news come directly out of this chav culture.

But, as I have just outlined, chav culture derives from black culture in disaffected parts of the urban world. So therefore it is reasonable to say that the yob environment which currently afflicts Britain and America originated within the black community. Encountering these boys at the station today caused me to realise this.

As always, while this is a rule it does not mean there cannot be exceptions. Not all chavs and black people are by necessity thugs. But the fact that this culture's origins begin in the black ghettos is an un-PC truth worth knowing about.

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