Thursday 4 January 2007

All Rise For The Race Minister

Hello, I'm Ben and this is my blog, Race Relations.

I suppose I better give you the lowdown on why I am writing this blog and what it will be covering. In short, I will be writing about any current affairs or issues in which racism has occurred or is reported as having occurred, or where there is conflict between races. Stories of any kind will be covered, and you are welcome to email with any stories you would like to see covered, using the email address available in my profile.

The reason for this blog? Simple. In this modern age it seems that everyone "hates" racism. Racist murder is seen by the Western media (particularly that of my native Britain) as being somehow worse than regular murder - at least it appears so by the amount of coverage given in comparison with non-racist murders. Often, there is no sign at all that the murder was remotely racist apart from the fact that the victim happened to be black, for example. Similarly, racism by minorities on other minorities (which makes up the demographic of most TRULY "racist" murders) or minorities on white people are virtually ignored.

Now, I'm not encouraging or even condoning racism or murder. Being racist is ignorant and stupid. Murder is evil. I am simply saying, "let's have equal treatment for ALL races and let's put racism in proportion with the real issues". I anticipate that at least one commenter (if I get any) will accuse me of racism at one point. This cannot be helped but I assure you: I am not a racist or a bigot; I am simply analysing the world without the rose-tinted bias of the mainstream media.

Another thing: I am also going to stretch the limits of "race" by including religions in my blog, particularly Islam, which is seemingly at the heart of every global conflict at the current minute. I aim to expose some of the un-PC truths of Islam as a religion, namely that it encourages mass murder, hatred and intolerance in its followers in a way unlike any other major world religion. The spate of Muslim terrorists and suicide bombers over the past few years are only following Mohammed's orders and are not "extremists" as the media would have you believe. I aim to explore this and to comment on stories where Islam is involved.

I will occasionally break all this serious analysis up with more light-hearted and off-topic posts, but that's pretty much the brunt of the sort of topics you can expect to find here. I hope to post at least five times a week and often more, but please accept that this is not always possible. I likely won't be posting at weekends and I will try to inform you if I will be unable to post for a given period of time in the near future.

Thank you for reading. I have comments open to anyone, not just Blogspot members, so please feel free to pop in and join the debate.

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