Thursday 4 January 2007

Backwards Values

Here is a piece in the Guardian by Sarfraz Manzoor in which the author claims that rather than British Muslims integrating into their hosts' culture, as those of us who realise the inherent flaw of multiculturalism have been saying for years now, Britain should in fact integrate to Muslim values.

The worst part is this line:
As the clamour for British Muslims to integrate grows louder, it is worth remembering that, amid all the negatives arising from living inside a tightly knit community, there are also positives worth retaining - the greater the integration, the weaker the sense of community.
This is just so backwards. What breeds division and creates a low sense of community is allowing people from many different cultures to come into a historically Judeo-Christian country and freely trample all over it with their own ways. Immigrants from ALL races and cultures should adapt to the British way of life if they come here. Thus they become part of OUR community and not part of their own separate little niche. As things stand in modern Britain, minorities have whole regions and towns to themselves. Brixton belongs to the African-Americans, for example. Bradford belongs to the Pakistanis. And so on. Is this what Manzoor would call a "sense of community"?

I'm afraid this is really just one Muslim demonstrating Muslims as a whole - they refuse to integrate. They believe everyone else should be made to live their way of life. If they come here, they want us to change our customs for them. If we go to their country, we are also expected not to offend them with our piggish Western ways. There is an imbalance here.

Imbalance - that's the Guardian all over.

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