Thursday 11 January 2007

The Kosher Tax

OK, back on topic...

Much has been made on some conservative blogs recently about this video from "White Nationalist News", which shows a racist anti-Semite complaining about how food producers pay special money and tax us in order to have a rabbi "bless the food" to make sure it's kosher for Jews to eat.

Now, whilst I am not denying that this guy is going over-the-top - and yeah, being racist - I really don't see the need for the hysteria. Even the usually sound Little Green Footballs called this a "vile video" and had plenty of pretty angry commenters when the link to the vid was posted.

But so what? This really isn't that alarming. He isn't calling for anyone to be killed; it isn't the total hatefest that is sometimes heard from White Nationalists.

And more importantly, I think this is where some of my conservative brethren can show themselves to be quite hypocritical. What we see in this video is far tamer than some of the blogosphere's (including mine) attacks on and criticisms of Islam. I know that criticising any religion or expressing distaste with some aspect of life related to them isn't racist, but bloggers like Charles of LGF do not hold back when talking about Islam or some of its practicioners in a negative light. I'm pretty certain that if this man was sitting there talking about how food companies go out of their way to cater to the needs of the Muslim community LGF and its regulars would be up in arms complaining of dhimmitude and unfair treatment. Yet whenever anyone is remotely critical of Jews they scream "anti-Semitism".

This guy may be a racist and wrong, but come on, people; let it go, you're showing double standards and that's supposed to be primarily for leftists.

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