Monday 22 January 2007

Independence Day

The movie "Independence Day" was on Sky this evening.

Damn, that's a great film. It's SUCH a load of unrealistic and nonsensical Hollywood rubbish, but it's done so well that I just couldn't help but enjoy it. It is easily my favourite "popcorn" film of all time; pure brain candy and fantastically directed. That scene where the alien craft hover into place over all the major cities always gives me chills, and the final battle scene is just breakneck excitement executed perfectly.

There are some who are too snobbish to appreciate such films; for them, everything has to have a "deep and profound" (read "hokey and pretentious") message and Oscar-winning standards of acting. Others, like me, however, are quite capable of enjoying Hollywood entertainment in its purest form. Independence Day is an example of this for me, and I love it.

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