Saturday 13 January 2007

Religious Discrimination - Against Christians

A school provoked fury last night by ordering a devout Catholic schoolgirl to remove her cross necklace because it posed a health and safety risk.

Teachers demanded Samantha Devine remove her chain and tiny crucifix despite allowing Muslim and Sikh pupils to wear symbols of their religion.

Her family have vowed to fight the decision "all the way" claiming it discriminates against Christians.


Her furious family yesterday pointed out the school - Robert Napier in Gillingham, Kent - allows Muslim pupils to wear headscarves and Sikh students to come to lessons with turbans and bangles.

Samantha even claims staff routinely fail to crack down on youngsters wearing non-religious jewellery, including large necklaces and earrings.

Here we have a case which is typical of modern Britain. While Muslims are allowed to do whatever the hell they like, Christians are persecuted. And this is in a country with Christian history. The excuse the school made is that the ban was for "health and safety reasons" (huh?) but it is clear what this really is...plain old discrimination against totally innocent Christian schoolgirls.

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