Friday 28 December 2007

Monthly Stats

Race Relations had 42 hits this month. Of these, the majority were once again from the US and UK, although this month Canada, Slovakia and Argentina get special mentions.

As always, the most interesting part of this month's stats are the searches that led people to find the site. Easily the most searched-for keyword of late has been "anjem". I'm not sure what these people were looking for, but I'd assume that in searching for this they ended up finding this post, in which I linked to a video of British jihadist Anjem Choudary justifying terrorist attacks against innocent civilians. I also continue to be amazed by the amount of people who get here by searching for Muhammad's "raisin-head" quote. I had no idea it was that well-known.

One of the more bizarre search strings was "do radical muslims killed women", and one chap even got here by searching for "islam is vile". Not sure what that led him to since I have never said that here, but whatever it was I hope he enjoyed it.

And on a related note, I'd like to once again thank everyone who has visited the site and attempted to contribute. It is appreciated. I hope you will all come back again some time.

Also, I'll be gone again until the New Year, and will begin posting again in 2008. Happy New Year for the 1st, everyone, and make yourselves a resolution not to be racist or Islamophobic...

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