Wednesday 19 December 2007

Let's Not Be Racist About Racism

At Family Security Matters there is an excellent article by Gabriel Garnica on what racism is - and what isn't. Here's an extract:

"The biggest tragedy in this society is that instead of combating racism and all form of prejudice in general and from any who exhibits it, we spend an inordinate amount of time defining prejudice by the standards and measures of political correctness. Given this distortion, we find that it is acceptable to exhibit prejudice against Whites, Christians, conservatives, the rich, the successful, the patriotic and all members of any non-White group who likewise exhibit these characteristics.

Do the same thing against non-Whites, Muslims, liberals, the poor, the marginalized, those who blame America for everything and any Whites who champion these characteristics and you are a hateful criminal out to impose your views and likely to destroy our society as we know it.

This double-standard, so perpetuated by the liberal media, is a despicable result of defining racism and all forms of prejudice by politically correct measures. Its heinous evil is two-fold. First, it creates more racism even as it pretends to confront it. Second, it allows the politically correct racist or prejudiced person to use this label as a shield against his or her own foibles and hypocrisy."

Be sure to read it all.

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