Thursday 6 December 2007

Debating With Dhimmis

I've recently had a couple of online debates with liberal apologists about Islam, and its status as NOT a Religion of Peace. And it's amazing how many different kinds of apologists there are. Sometimes, these dhimmis will actually regress through the various different stages of apologism as the debate progresses. I have noticed this pattern:

- They start out by insisting that Islam is a Religion of Peace
- When you show them, through passages from the Qur'an, sunna and fiqh, that it isn't, they begin making excuses for the material you present
- When they can no longer defend Islam, they switch to firing verses of the Bible at you and wittering on about the Crusades
- When you ask them to point out a passage in the Bible which calls on all Christians to wage war against non-believers, or to cite a case in which Christians have used specific Bible verses to justify massive holy war, they are unable to do so
- When you call them out on all of the above, they call you names and falsely accuse you of every hideous crime known to man

But what surprised me most about these debates was that so many people found the idea that Muslims should be responsible for preventing the jihad of their co-religionists to be completely unreasonable. I was accused of wanting to round all Muslims up in "re-education camps" until they say exactly what I want to hear, and of thinking that all Muslims are inherently "bad" until I come along and mould them to my desires. All of which is ridiculous, of course. I ask only that Muslims work out ways to convince other Muslims that Islam is a Religion of Peace - in the face of mountains of Islamic tradition and law which says the opposite - rather than expending all their efforts trying to tell ME that. This is my opinion on what I think could be done to end Islamic radicalism. And while I come up with these ideas, hopeless dhimmis slam them down for no reason, while not coming up with any solutions of their own. It's enough to make you want to scream.

And why are they so obstinate? The answer is simply multi-culturalism - the idea that if Whitey calls on Brownie Muslims to take responsibility for their own actions and the actions of the community, he is being arrogant, biased and bigoted. The desperation in these dhimmis' replies became increasingly clear as they backpeddled and moved the goalposts to suit their increasingly transparent worldviews. It would be sad if it wasn't so infuriating.

I also encountered several Muslims who stated flatly that Islam was a Religion of Peace without saying one single thing to contradict the evidence I presented to show that it wasn't. In the past one actually accused me of making violent Qur'an passages up. And yet the morally and intellectually snobbish leftists think that I should accept these people as true moderates. No mention is made by them of how plain denial by Muslims of what their religion teaches will prevent other Muslims from thinking it's telling them to be violent. No answers at all. Only blindness.

I finished my debate with them by saying, "I hope you enjoy paying the jizya." I really wish I was being sarcastic.

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