Thursday 26 July 2007


I do not like black metal, but as I have noted here before, I DO like Dimmu Borgir, who bring a more melodic edge to the genre. Check out this live video of them performing the song "Kings of the Carnival Creation". Even if you can't stand the growling vocals, I suggest you skip forward to about 4:45, when the bassist starts to sing clean vocals, immediately followed by a guitar solo. The power of this sequence of music is just awesome. This is one of the few songs I've ever heard that actually sounds MORE powerful live than on the studio album. Although Dimmu aren't to everyone's taste, at least there is POWER and PASSION in their music; compare that to most of the pop and rap crap that comes out today, and anyone with sense can see that even Satanic black metal is better than Usher or Kate Nash.

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