Monday 23 July 2007

Islam Is

Oh dear. Here it is:, an attempt to convince non-Muslims that Islam is actually a peaceful, tolerant religion, and has nothing to do with war or violence at all.

Note that for its header it cites the Qur'an:

"Whoever kills an innocent soul, it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind, And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind" (Qur'an 5:32)

This is an attempt to demonstrate that Islam is peaceful. But it doesn't mention the fact that this verse is NOT addressed to Muslims; it is addressed to the Children of Israel. It comes as part of a warning to the Jews not to wage war on the Muslims or they will face terrible punishment. The site makes no mention of Mohammed's commands to wage offensive warfare in order to propagate Islam. It makes no mention of the attitude of Islamic law towards murder: namely that it punishes murder by Muslims against non-Muslims far less harshly than other forms of murder.

The whole site is laden with taqiyya: that is, Qur'an-mandated misleading of non-Muslims in order to cause them to let down their guard. Virtually every word of its "outline" of Islamic teaching is false. It says that the word Islam means "peace", when in fact it means "submission". It whitewashes Islam's bloody history, and pretends that the religion spread peacefully rather than by the sword. It peddles the myth that Islam specifically prohibits the killing of innocent civilians.

The bullet points on the main page spend all their time telling the Government and non-Muslims in general what they can do to cater for Muslims, vis-a-vis "bigotry" and tolerance. No mention of what the Muslims plan to do to stop jihadists from using Islamic tradition to justify their acts of violence. No sign of rejecting the jihad ideology - only excusing it and pretending it doesn't exist.

The whole effort is nothing more than taqiyya, a sham, designed to make it look as though these groups are moderate.

If the Peace Bus comes to your neighbourhood, don't board it.

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