Friday 27 July 2007

Laying Guilt On The Wrong People?

Racist attitudes by teachers may be condemning black schoolchildren to an inferior education, according to a Government-backed study.

Black Caribbean pupils are more likely to be expelled from school and less likely to be put in the top set compared to white British children, it said.

Staff may be guilty of "unintentional racism" by stereotyping black children as badly-behaved - and underestimating their academic ability, according to the controversial report.

It is telling how the report-writers give no thought to the fact that black Caribbean pupils on average may simply be worse-behaved and lower achievers than pupils of other races. The study may well be heaping blame on entirely the wrong people by blaming the teachers. One of the biggest problems with the PC mentality is that it strives with all its might to prevent people from taking responsibility for their actions. This is dangerous, and no one will learn anything from it.

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