Tuesday 31 July 2007

A Chick Pic

Here's a racially-themed picture for a Tuesday morning:

Muslims Protest Over Pet Food

A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Butchers Pet Care could shelve plans for a factory in Coton Park, near Rugby, because angry Asian families have complained to their residents' association about pork smells drifting into their garden.

Muslim residents in the area also claim the pork will effectively "rain down" on their homes and gardens after the factory's 100ft chimney has pumped the meat extracts into the atmosphere.

Note that this complaint is actually being taken seriously. We are so eager to cave in to Islamic intolerance these days that it can even deprive indigenous and local residents of employment opportunities, just so a small group of people don't have to smell pork sometimes.

I urge Butchers to stand firm and build their factory in the face of this intolerance, and not to grant the Muslims special privileges at the expense of the indigenous population.

Monday 30 July 2007

1/3 British Asians Don't Feel British

Or so a BBC poll suggests. Note that it's "Asians"; I wonder if they could be a little more specific...

The wording of the question worries me. Why have they phrased it in such overly racial terms? "Do Asian people need to act and think white, in order to fit in or get on?" Why do they have to think "white"? What does whiteness have to do with it? The question is surely whether they feel that they should integrate into WESTERN values? And does the fact that they reacted so negatively to a question about whiteness indicate their own racist bias?

And note also that the BBC doesn't think this is a problem of any kind - except in the sense that all of this might be down to the fact that we as Brits are too "racist".

Also, isn't "coconut" kind of a racist term?

Friday 27 July 2007

Laying Guilt On The Wrong People?

Racist attitudes by teachers may be condemning black schoolchildren to an inferior education, according to a Government-backed study.

Black Caribbean pupils are more likely to be expelled from school and less likely to be put in the top set compared to white British children, it said.

Staff may be guilty of "unintentional racism" by stereotyping black children as badly-behaved - and underestimating their academic ability, according to the controversial report.

It is telling how the report-writers give no thought to the fact that black Caribbean pupils on average may simply be worse-behaved and lower achievers than pupils of other races. The study may well be heaping blame on entirely the wrong people by blaming the teachers. One of the biggest problems with the PC mentality is that it strives with all its might to prevent people from taking responsibility for their actions. This is dangerous, and no one will learn anything from it.

Thursday 26 July 2007


I do not like black metal, but as I have noted here before, I DO like Dimmu Borgir, who bring a more melodic edge to the genre. Check out this live video of them performing the song "Kings of the Carnival Creation". Even if you can't stand the growling vocals, I suggest you skip forward to about 4:45, when the bassist starts to sing clean vocals, immediately followed by a guitar solo. The power of this sequence of music is just awesome. This is one of the few songs I've ever heard that actually sounds MORE powerful live than on the studio album. Although Dimmu aren't to everyone's taste, at least there is POWER and PASSION in their music; compare that to most of the pop and rap crap that comes out today, and anyone with sense can see that even Satanic black metal is better than Usher or Kate Nash.


1. The number of racially-motivated attacks in Ukraine has increased noticeably in the last two years, according to watchdogs. At the same time, the number of foreigners residing and seeking asylum in Ukraine has grown in the last three years.

2. A coffee mug which had the Confederate Flag on it is causing a stir in Connecticut, where some have accused its owner, A Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety, of racism.

As far as I can see, there is little to connect him with racism apart from the fact that the flag is used by some racist groups, no evidence existing to suggest that he belongs to any of them. It has also become an emblem of the American South. You know, the south, the part of America that liberals and PC types like to perpetuate lazy stereotypes about and level unfocused discrimination against on the basis of those stereotypes - it's OK because they aren't black or foreign, you see.

First we had the Horrible Ham Hate Crime, now we have mug-related incidents; whatever next - egg whisk racism?

Wednesday 25 July 2007


1. Complaints of racism at work have jumped 123% this year. I like this line:

"The tribunal said the growing number of foreign national workers in the labour force had contributed to an increase in the number of race-related complaints."

It does not draw the connection that the more foreign national workers we have in our labour force, the more sympathy-seeking whingers we have in our labour force.

2. This is ridiculous: a story by one of those lefty morally superior types who tells a story about how distressing it was to watch a white woman getting angry with a Sikh shopkeeper - there is no evidence of racism in there at all but she and he eight-year-old son seem inclined to make assumptions and then make judgments on the woman based on those unfounded assumptions.

3. The Rock Against Racism gig, which "rockers" such as Lethal Bizzle dropped out of (who was left???) was apparently a "success". Proof that it has little to do with race and is merely a political movement comes from the fact that one of its main objectives seems to be to defeat the "fascist" BNP.

4. RAW Watch: From the World Peace Herald

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Buddhas and Blacks...

Richard Littlejohn's column in the Daily Mail was great today, and in particular what caught my eye was two stories in a small block near the bottom of the page. In one, a borough council has banned a Buddhist from calling his restaurant The Fat Buddha because it could offend Buddhists. And in the other, a black dustbin man is told that he can't wear a St George's Cross because it might be considered "racist".

Littlejohn concludes with: "You couldn't make it up".


Monday 23 July 2007

Islam Is Peace.org

Oh dear. Here it is: islamispeace.org, an attempt to convince non-Muslims that Islam is actually a peaceful, tolerant religion, and has nothing to do with war or violence at all.

Note that for its header it cites the Qur'an:

"Whoever kills an innocent soul, it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind, And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind" (Qur'an 5:32)

This is an attempt to demonstrate that Islam is peaceful. But it doesn't mention the fact that this verse is NOT addressed to Muslims; it is addressed to the Children of Israel. It comes as part of a warning to the Jews not to wage war on the Muslims or they will face terrible punishment. The site makes no mention of Mohammed's commands to wage offensive warfare in order to propagate Islam. It makes no mention of the attitude of Islamic law towards murder: namely that it punishes murder by Muslims against non-Muslims far less harshly than other forms of murder.

The whole site is laden with taqiyya: that is, Qur'an-mandated misleading of non-Muslims in order to cause them to let down their guard. Virtually every word of its "outline" of Islamic teaching is false. It says that the word Islam means "peace", when in fact it means "submission". It whitewashes Islam's bloody history, and pretends that the religion spread peacefully rather than by the sword. It peddles the myth that Islam specifically prohibits the killing of innocent civilians.

The bullet points on the main page spend all their time telling the Government and non-Muslims in general what they can do to cater for Muslims, vis-a-vis "bigotry" and tolerance. No mention of what the Muslims plan to do to stop jihadists from using Islamic tradition to justify their acts of violence. No sign of rejecting the jihad ideology - only excusing it and pretending it doesn't exist.

The whole effort is nothing more than taqiyya, a sham, designed to make it look as though these groups are moderate.

If the Peace Bus comes to your neighbourhood, don't board it.

Muslims Whine

A nice piece of anti-dhimmitude from Nebraska, where several Somalian Muslims were fired for praying instead of working.

And get this: the chairman of the Omaha Somali-American Community Organization is named Mohamed Rage. I kid you not.


1. Apparently several "rockers" pulled out of a Rock Against Racism gig:

It's apparently a lot easier to get musicians to say they'll play Rock Against Racism than to actually get them up on stage.

Fans were left in the lurch last week at the 30th anniversary of the Rock Against Racism benefit concert when Lethal Bizzle, Wiley and ex-Specials front man Jerry Dammers failed to appear at the gig. While Bizzle pled illness, Wiley and Dammers simply flaked out.

Lethal Bizzle, Wiley and Jerry Dammers! The shame, that such high-profile musicians should pull out of this important gig! What kind of role model are they setting for the public?

Incidentally, two of the musicians above, Lethal Bizzle and Wiley, are black (and they are rappers, not "rockers"). Seems blacks don't care about racism anymore, either...

2. Here is a complex case involving white-on-black racism and the alleged false sentencing of a black boy in a violence case. It's interesting stuff and I hope the truth is finally outed, whatever it may be.

Sunday 22 July 2007


Hi, I'm back after spending my holiday inhaling the beauty of Lake Garda. We even went to Venice for the day. It was lovely, thanks for asking.

Anyway, my contribution upon my return is this: a review of the documentary, "Islam: What the West Needs to Know", which I saw just before I went out to Italy.

What a waste. It is tremendously boring. This documentary could not have been any less inspiring if it tried. The editing and pacing are chronic. Rather than flit about between details in a fast-paced and interesting way, the whole documentary is esssentially just a series of interviews with the various experts, interlinked occasionally with overlong archived news clips. The edits between each interview clip, rather than straight cuts, always slowly fade to black and then slowly fade back in again. It all moves at a complete snail's pace.

It's almost as if they TRIED to make it boring. The film offers nothing to hold the interest; just people talking at you for an hour in their most boring voices. Bat Ye'or, as brilliant a historian as she is, is intolerable. Her voice is witchlike and her English is so broken that all of her scenes have subtitles just so we can make it out...if we haven't lost the will to live already. Similarly, passages from the Qur'an and hadiths are read out by a man with probably the most atonal voice I have ever heard. It's just diabolical.

Once again, don't get me wrong. I have awarded the documentary two stars because its message is so important. Westerners really do need to know that Islam commands Muslims to wage war on non-Muslims, that these laws have never been revised by any Islamic authority, and how Islam spread by the sword. But this film will not persuade anyone of that. Of course, many people wouldn't have listened anyway, but I envision people being so bored while watching this that they will just lose interest and not listen.

This film, which features some brilliant and brave scholars of Islam, as well as ex-Muslims who as apostates are putting their lives on the line by being featured in it, is a huge disappointment. I want everyone to know and understand the film's message, but even so I would never encourage them to watch it. It's just too painful.

Normal blogging should resume tomorrow.

Monday 9 July 2007

Taking My Leave...

This will be my last post for the next week or two as I'm going on holiday. Jetting out to Italia soon with my girlfriend. Should be fun.

Anyway, I thought my last post here at Race Relations before I fly away into the sun should be a completely vacuous, non-racial one. So here it is, one of the funniest BBC headlines I've read in some time:

Tummy Fat "Can Grow Breasts"

Now that's an image.



1. Peru cafe closed, fined after racism complaints

2. Part of the cosmetics giant L'Oréal was yesterday found guilty of racial discrimination after it sought to exclude non-white women from promoting its shampoo.

I can see why L'Oreal might do this. It's all about aesthetics and wanting a particular image for your product. There is nothing bad in itself with wanting white-only women to promote their products on the basis of the image of the company. But as we've seen here it can go too far, to the point of what does seem genuine racism ("damn Arabs"). When you have to go to such lengths as deception in order to turn down non-white applicants, that's gone too far.

3. Patients at an Australian hospital have refused to be treated by Indian doctors after a couple of them were arrested in connection with the recent terrorist plots.

This is just stupid. The problem itself is not "Indian doctors" in the first place - it is Muslim doctors. Of course, that does not mean that patients should discriminate against all Muslim doctors either, but at least if they were discriminating under those pretexts I would be able to understand their suspicion.

Sunday 8 July 2007

Completely Misguided

Britain's new security minister, Admiral Sir Alan West, thinks that we can eradicate the 1,400 year old Islamic jihad ideology from Britain - in just 15 years.

Reading the whole article, it is clear that West has absolutely NO clue what he is talking about. A sad symbol of the entire Western leadership's outlook on the jihad problem.

Ebony And Ivory

I watched some of "Live Earth" yesterday and was astonished my the vacuousness and ultimate nonsense of it all.

Here's a clip of Ricky Gervais and Chris Rock in the studio with Jonathan Ross.

My favourite part:

Ross: Do you think events such as this can really change the world?

Rock: My hope is that this event will end global warming in the same way Live Aid ended world hunger.

*Gervais bursts out laughing*

I didn't see it, but I hear David Baddiel was just as critical, and as one might expect, Jonathan Ross got all defensive on him.

With the modern trendy liberal environmental position as it is, this does not surprise me.

Friday 6 July 2007

Indian Doctors...

New terror raids were staged on two Australian hospitals today, in connection with the London and Glasgow terror plots.

And The Times thinks it's down to "Indian doctors".

Not In Our Name

The BBC is trumpeting the fact that British Muslims have supposedly united to condemn Islamic terrorism, but as usual with such cases it's all nothing more than weasel words.

The documents does little more than blame non-Muslims for provoking violence and causing British Muslims to feel uneasy. It does very little to refute jihadist interpretations of traditional Islamic theology and teaching, and certainly nowhere outlines what MUSLIMS plan to do about combating extremism. All its "advice" is directed towards what non-Muslims can do to accommodate Muslims in Britain. Until the Muslim authorities confront and reject Islamic theological incentives to violence, and work towards teaching Muslims the same, actions such as this are futile and hollow.

Thursday 5 July 2007


1. Column: Subtle Racism? Here's Racism In The Raw

"Political correctness, to the best I can determine, is code for white people getting the shaft."

Nope. Political correctness is when wet, self-loathing white liberals bang on about how "diverse" and anti-racist they are, because their swollen ego derives satisfaction from the knowledge that as a result other people will look at them approvingly.

2. Student Fights Racism Through His Poetry

Good luck with that.

Wednesday 4 July 2007


1. Renowned clinical psychologist, Dr Shaun Whittaker has attributed the recent killing of a woman or women whose body parts were discovered next to the B1 road in Namibia to the country's inadequacy to address the problem of racism.

Without condoning that the perpetrator(s) might just as well be of the same color as the victim(s), Dr. Whittaker when approached for comment deduced that the perpetrator(s) were victims of race.

2. A Wigan MP is urging borough groups to come together for a week of action against racism in sport.The Kick It Out One Game One Community Week of Action will see organisations celebrate the contribution all communities are making to the game, while adding their voices to the call to challenge racism and discrimination in football.

What is the need for this? They already have the "Kick Racism Out of Football" campaign which has been running for several seasons, what do they expect another campaign, taking place over a single week, to achieve?

Tuesday 3 July 2007

BBC Discovers Link Between Terror Suspects

The BBC has figured out that the recently convicted London and Glasgow terror suspects have something in common with each other...

... they're all linked to the NHS.

Is that all, Auntie?

Surely it's discrimination to suggest that doctors have anything to do with terrorism?

Neville Chamberlain Syndrome

Gordon Brown says we should not say that the terrorist attacks recently have been perpetrated by Muslims.

Yep, I concur. If we try to ignore it the jihadists will get bored and stop. Nothing to worry about.

Freedom of Expression Power

A Microsoft computer game is drawing attention because it allows players to modify the cars that they control in the game - and put racist or neo-Nazi slogans on them.

Big deal. It is not the fault of Microsoft that some players do this. And what's the problem anyway? If they're racist, so what? It just gives the other players an extra incentive to beat them!

Do I agree with "White Power" or neo-Nazis? No, not at all, but I will forever support their right to express themselves as long as they do so within legal boundaries.

Monday 2 July 2007


1. More investigations against racism are being launched against a fire department, for no apparent reason.

2. RACISM is creeping back into society in Suffolk to the point where it has become “almost acceptable” to “demonise” young black and ethnic minority groups, it has been warned.

Absolute rubbish.

Sunday 1 July 2007

Backlash Alert

I predicted it two days ago, and it has happened at last:

British Muslims Fear Backlash