Thursday 10 April 2008


1. Uh-oh! Watch out! That "subtle racism" is sneaking around again.

2. A letter from Harrisonburg, Virgina:

I'm not a racist. But if I were running for public office and it was discovered I had attended a church that spewed hate against black people and gone on TV and said I attended this church for 20 years and allowed my children to hear this ranting and raving and then said "typical black people," there would have been riots from D.C. to LA.

So let's stop racism now. This is not the 1950's, '60's, ‘'70's; racism is not a white thing anymore. If you're white you must tiptoe around saying anything that may offend another race or culture, but if you are black, Latino, etc., and you make a racist remark it's allowed or was "taken out context."

Racism is alive and well in this country. I learned one thing when I was in Nam, we all bleed red! And no matter who supports racism, hold them accountable.

Gary Combs
Harrisonburg Va


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