Wednesday 2 April 2008

Islam Watch

1. A senior Church of England member called yesterday for the building of mosques to be banned. Alison Ruoff said more construction would lead to Islamic no-go areas dominated by exclusively Muslim populations living under sharia law. Mrs Ruoff, a member of the General Synod, the Church's parliament, added: "If we don't watch out we will become an Islamic state. It's that serious."

Predictably, Muslims are getting in a tiz over this. Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, known terror-sympathiser and supporter of Saudi hate-mongering, said: "These are very narrow-minded and bigoted remarks. As a Christian, she surely ought to be working to build good ties between different communities."

And of course, we all know that the best way for her to do that would be to start paying the jizya immediately.

2. The Taliban said today that two attacks on Dutch forces in Afghanistan were in retaliation for Geert Wilders' film Fitna.

That'll prove Islam is a Religion of Peace if nothing else will!

3. Comedian Ben Elton has said the BBC is too "scared" to poke fun at Islam. He accused the broadcasting company of allowing programmes to run jokes about Christianity and vicars such as The Vicar of Dibley. However, he claimed bosses were too politically correct and worried about a negative backlash to do the same about imams.

And he is 100% correct. Although, that said, I am quite certain that Elton knows little to nothing about Islam and would contend heatedly with the idea that Islam is itself radical. Still, this is a nice piece of anti-dhimmitude from him.

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