Wednesday 13 June 2007


1. Three local agencies that had applied for federal money to fund programs to fight racism were denied the cash.

Good. You don't need money to fight racism; you either ignore it, since in the majority of cases it is harmless or non-existent anyway, or you fight it in traditional ways such as just getting out there and raising awareness for FREE. Luckily attempts to grab money from the State were unsuccessful this time. But they often work out.

2. Racially-mixed juries in England and Wales do not discriminate against black and Asian defendants, a study suggests.

Researchers recreated a real trial but varied the ethnicity of defendants to test juries for prejudice.

Some jurors were more lenient towards a defendant of the same ethnic background in jury-room deliberations, the government-backed study found.

But race did not impact on the verdict of mixed-race juries - not enough is known about all-white juries, it said.

Ministers ordered research into jury attitudes amid fears of institutional racism raised by the inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence.

Now, now; this won't do at all. No racism in evidence against those POOR black people? I think the researchers need to take their report back and do their studies again until they get the result we ALL want to hear.

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