Wednesday 6 June 2007

Is Gingerism As Bad As Racism?

Here is a piece - at the BBC, of all places - which asks the question, Why isn't gingerism (that is, discrimination against/making fun of redheads) seen as equally wrong as racism, when both are forms of discrimination based on physical attributes? It's amazing to see this kind of thing coming out of the liberal PC BBC, but welcome and refreshing. Of course, this should extend to all forms of name-calling and abuse: if one is bad, they're ALL bad; if one is OK, they're ALL OK.

There's something in there I disagree with, though:

Here's a joke. "What's the difference between a terrorist and a redhead?"

Here's the punchline. "You can negotiate with a terrorist."

Actually, you usually can't, but otherwise this is a decent article, especially considering its source.

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