Monday 16 April 2007

Islamic Round-up

It's an all-Islamic round-up today, with dhimmitude aplenty:

1. Almost 90% of UK Muslims think Islamic women should be "free" (peculiar choice of word, that) to wear the veil in this country, despite the communication and identification problems it causes, and that the Government should revolve its policies around what they [Muslims] want.

2. Schools in Scotland have been warned that "staring" at a Muslim is Islamophobia.

3. Britain has decided to ban the term "War on Terror". Good, but for the wrong reasons. The "War on Terror" was always a misnomer as it's the war on militant Islamic terror we are actually dealing with. But that's not the reason they banned it. The reason is because "this isn't us against one organised enemy with a clear identity and a coherent set of objectives". It's almost impossible to believe someone could be so totally wrong, isn't it?

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