Wednesday 25 April 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Here's a really funny piece at OpEdNews, dealing with the issue recently covered here of attempts to get the words "nigger", "ho" and "bitch" banned from hip-hop lyrics: Ho, Ho, Ho: The End of Racism and Sexism.

Here's an extract:

I say, why stop with bitches, ho's, and niggers? Let's take this strategy to its natural conclusion and ban "war" and "poverty" and "rape" and "genocide" and "oppression," We'll even ban "global warming" if Al Gore promises to finally shut his redneck mouth (all right, perhaps we'll ban "redneck," too). Shit, after only an hour or so of work, the planet will be a goddamned equalitarian paradise and we can all get back to our couches, our flat-screens, and our remote controls.

Of course, it's not all good news. Like most prophets, Simmons and Chavis are facing resistance. Dog breeders are really bitching, Samuel L. Jackson is petitioning for a "nigga" exemption, and insiders are expecting to hear from lawyers at the North Pole. It appears banning "ho" just might present some copyright issues with a certain fat man in a red suit. Oops, can I still say "fat"?

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