Wednesday 21 March 2007


About 700 Belgian couples have symbolically wed in a Flemish town where three couples had refused to let a black official marry them. Deputy Mayor Wouter Van Bellingen was the first black councillor elected in St-Niklaas in northern Belgium. In response to the snub, Mr Van Bellingen decided to organise a mass wedding as an anti-racism protest.

On a cold, wet night, the couples shouted "yes" when Mr Van Bellingen asked if they were ready to marry.

The day's events - chosen to coincide with the International Day against Racism - kicked off with a group hug before the assembled couples exchanged or renewed vows. There was then a huge wedding photo, a "multicultural dessert buffet" and a wedding dance.

As Doctor Evil would say: "Riiiiiight..."

So the three couples were racist...can't we just get on with things for once? You know, the racist couples find someone else to marry them, the black official continues to marry non-racist couples, the 1400 residents of the town get on with their lives and don't let it bother them? Why couldn't that happen?

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