Monday 13 October 2008

Some Obama/Racism News

I have deliberately stayed away from covering the numerous dismally boring stories about how the Obama campaign is facing "challenges" from right-wing "racism", but I thought I'd comment on this.

Here's an article about a Palin rally in which a man waved a monkey doll with a sticker of Obama's face on it, and a woman told John McCain that she couldn't trust Obama because he's "an Arab" - at which point McCain promptly and correctly took the microphone away from her.

It's a shame that such racist buffoons have to be there to damage the reputation of the Republican Party, and all those who oppose Obama as President for purely political reasons. Having said that, it is notable that the mainstream media lapped it all up eagerly, but funnily enough has largely ignored most of Obama's questionable leanings and dodgy alliances. That's for two reasons:

1. The media is institutionally liberal
2. Racism is "worse" than anything else.......that is, WHITE racism is worse than anything else. Rev. Wright was brushed under the carpet pretty quick by the MSM, wasn't he?

1 comment:

tanyaa said...

It's easy to judge Obama's speeches, but it's hard to assess their impact. On the one hand, they're all about dressing up socialist wolves in moderate, practical clothing and the elevation of selfishness to magnanimity. But, nobody would use disguises if they never worked.

The speech ambiguously condemns Wright while apologizing for him and making anybody who brings it up feel "divisive," the worst thing you can be in an Obama world-except when he himself is talking about corporations or "special interests."
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