Wednesday 1 October 2008

The Hypocrisy of the Right?

At this Trinidadian website, Tim Wise accuses the Right of hypocrisy for suggesting that, among other things, blacks and ethnic minorities are too quick to blame outside factors such as racism for their depressing lot rather than taking responsibility for their own lives. But, says the author, those same conservatives then turn around and blame everything on the "foreigners" - if they didn't get a job, it must be because of positive discrimination in favour of blacks, and so on. So, the claim goes, the Right are hypocrites, because they don't take responsibility for their own lives but instead blame their problems on the people they earlier criticised.

I can't speak for all conservatives or all cases. No doubt there have been many times when Wise's observation is quite correct. But it seems to me that there is a general difference between the two scenarios here. Often, there is direct evidence that positive discrimination is occurring, preventing white people from getting jobs, etc. For example, see here. White men were specifically banned from signing up to the fire-fighting service.

And conversely, it is often the case that ethnic minorities claim "racism" is the cause of their troubles when there is in fact no evidence that this was the case. For example, see here. An Indian man was forced to quit his job after claiming to suffer "racial discrimination" at the hands of his co-workers. While he was clearly bullied by his peers, there was absolutely no evidence that racial motivations played any part in it.

My point here is that the Right may not be hypocritical as often as Tim Wise claims: positive discrimination can often be proven - racism often cannot.

It is also telling of the agenda of this site that it links to a blog called "U.S. Crusade News", and also contains many heavily biased, deceitful articles on Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the War on Terror.

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