Thursday 15 May 2008

Victory For Dispatches

I see that West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service have apologised for accusing the makers of the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary "Undercover Mosque" of distortion. If you'll remember, the police accused the producers of using selective editing to twist the words of Islamic preachers "out of context" (that old chestnut). But the new statement, released to the media after the High Court hearing by West Midlands Police, said they accepted there had been no evidence that Channel 4 or the documentary makers had "misled the audience or that the programme was likely to encourage or incite criminal activity".

A small victory, then, for Dispatches...and also a victory in the fight against craven dhimmitude. But I have a question: the police are apparently now satisfied that the programme wasn't intended to "encourage or incite criminal activity". So what are they doing about the preachers in the programme, who actually DID incite criminal activity?

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