Tuesday 27 May 2008

Islam On Doctors

I had a lazy day today, which meant I found myself watching daytime television. This included the soap "Doctors".

The reason I'm mentioning it is because it contained a trendy subplot about terrorism that I think demonstrates all that is wrong with Western media attitudes and understandings of Islam and its role in terrorism.

The set-up is this: a bunch of characters are on a bus. Among them is a young Muslim chap who is acting suspiciously. He is trembling, muttering to himself in Arabic, and has wires coming out of his jacket. Some of the passengers fear a suicide bomber.

At this point, one man begins to chirp up about his suspicion, and starts talking about the infamous harem virgins which suicide bombers believe will be their reward, etc (incidentally, see Qur'an 37:48, 44:54, 55:56, 55:58, 56:36, and 78:31, among others, lest anyone think the guy made all this up). For this, he is castigated by a female passenger who says: "Don't politicise Islam; most Muslims are spiritual, not political!" Perhaps she never heard of those 40% of British Muslims who want the Islamic political system, the sharia, to be instituted in full in this country...

Anyway, she goes on to make a number of other PC assertions:

"It's people like you [the man who was suspicious] who create terrorists in the first place!" Here once again is the assumption on the part of the scriptwriters (for she was undoubtedly parroting their beliefs) that if we talk about the fact that Muslims are committing terrorist acts, this will make Muslims who abhor terrorism suddenly join the terrorists. Absurd.

"Hitler was a Christian; does that mean Christianity was responsible for the Holocaust?" A false claim, but even if true it does not prove anything and simply sidesteps the important issues.

After retailing these PC soundbites; the writers change tack - the suspicious man is depicted as hating Muslims and wanting them all to be deported. Here we have a blatant insinuation that if you criticise Islam, or even draw attention to the fact that a potential terrorist is a Muslim, you are de facto a racist and a bigot.

At the end of it all, the youth turns out to simply be an autistic schoolboy, and the wires coming out of his coat...well, they were just iPod headphones, weren't they? Islamophobe! Ultimately, the suspicious man is "reported to the relevant authorities" for his "comments". To which he brilliantly replies (in a moment of unintentional foresight from the Lefty scriptwriters), "Go on then, you might as well put a fatwa on me while you're at it!"

All of this is essentially designed to appease Islam. The message of this episode was that we should not report suspicious behaviour in public places by Muslims. If we do, we're hysterical and Islamophobic. The real kicker was the deliberate emotional manipulation of having the "terrorist" turn out to be autistic. Why, that's just the worst thing ever, isn't it? Not only was the man suspicious of an innocent person, but he was suspicious of a boy with a mental disorder! The lowest of the low! And of course, the one character who dares to sound any sour notes is "exposed" as a "racist".

This may have been only a fictional TV show, but the message it was intended to convey is all too typical of media (and general public) attitudes towards Islam and terrorism. They are dhimmis, through and through. And to think that WE'RE paying for this craven appeasement with our license fees!

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