Thursday 20 March 2008

The (Obvious) Difference Between Christianity and Islam

Apologies for my absence so far this week. I'm back now, but will be gone again over the weekend and the two Bank Holidays. Enjoy me while you can...

I thought I'd get the ball rolling with these two quotes. They come from the highest authorities in Christianity and Islam: therefore, they represent the mainstream and essentially "true" teachings of each religion in the modern day. Right here is indisputable and irrefutable evidence that Christianity is a religion of peace and Islam is not:

"The Church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination against men or harassment of them because of their race, colour, condition of life or religion. On the contrary, following in the footsteps of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, this sacred synod ardently implores the Christian faithful to "maintain good fellowship among the nations" (I Peter 2:12), and, if possible, to live for their part in peace with all men, so that they may truly be sons of the Father who is in heaven."
Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Second Vatican Council, 1965

"O you believers! Fight the unbelievers, namely the People of the Book...they do not embrace the True Religion, i.e. Islam. Fight them until they believe, or force them to pay the jizya humbly and obediently, not grudgingly, so that they contribute to the Islamic budget."
Al-Muntakhab Fii Tafsiir Al-Qur'aan Al-Kariim, Al-Azhar University, 1985

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