Thursday 6 March 2008

Jews Rioting In The Streets? Nope.

Did you catch the story the other day about the Israeli academic who contends that Moses, as well as other Christian and Jewish characters, were high on drugs, thus explaining the miraculous things they saw which are immortalised in the Scriptures? Note that NO Jews went out burning things, rioting and killing people in response to it. And yet when someone draws some cartoons of Muhammad - or names a teddy bear after him - thousands of people are killed by Muslims who are furious at the suggestion that...Islam is violent.

So I thought this was funny: an imagined and totally made-up news story in which the academic is forced to apologise and resign as a result of worldwide Jewish riots over his statements about Moses. It's obviously ludicrous with regard to Jews, deliberately, but this story definitely WOULD have played out for real had the guy been talking about Muhammad, which is, obviously, the point that is being made here.

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