Thursday 13 March 2008

Muslims: Appease Us NOW!

The world's Muslim countries warned yesterday that an "alarming" rise in anti-Islamic insults and attacks in the West has become a threat to international security.

This is rubbish, of course. According to US FBI statistics, at least, Muslims are the victims of the least hate crimes out of any group in America. And in both Europe and America, the media is resorting to inventing anti-Muslim hate crimes because they can't rely on anyone to ACTUALLY show any hatred or bigotry.

So what is this "Islamophobia" the Muslims are whinging about? "Islamic leaders have long warned that perceptions linking Muslims to terrorism, especially since the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on the United States, would make Muslims more radical."

Nonsense! First of all there is the oft-made assumption that if we talk about the fact that there seem to be rather a lot of Muslim terrorists, this will make peaceful Muslims - who we are told abhor violence because the Qur'an is peaceful - suddenly go out and blow people up. And note that while they are condemning Western Islamophobia for daring to suggest a connection between Islam and condemnation of the many thousands of Muslims who are making that same connection every day. A while ago, the British jihadist Omar Brooks said that Islam is a "religion of terrorism". Did any of these countries condemn him? Uh...

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