Friday 11 January 2008

BBC Makes The News...

Non-story alert: The BBC is more "hideously white" than ever, after it was revealed that the number of black executives has dropped to the lowest in years.

Embarrassing new figures show it has even fewer ethnic minority bosses now than it did four years ago when former director general Greg Dyke used the phrase to describe the corporation.

So what? It is worth noting how the BBC preaches diversity but doesn't seem at first glance particularly diverse itself (although not so often examined is the fact that the BBC has in the past given deep thought to the possibility of Muslim women wearing headscarves while reading the news - and let us not forget that Sri Lankan-born George Alagiah is one of their main anchors), but here's a radical thought: Perhaps more black people and ethnic minorities should apply for jobs at the BBC. I'm sure you'd see a change in these statistics then.

But the BBC, like the good liberals they are, have a plan to clear themselves - positive discrimination: "Now the BBC has controversially said it will "fast-track" young ethnic staff to senior positions, leading to accusations of positive discrimination." Great thinking, there, Auntie!

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