Tuesday 6 February 2007

Black Man Or Black Man In Black?

This is one of the more absurd things I've read in a while:

I am tired of the killing that is going on in my hometown, Baton Rouge. I am also tired of the description of the suspects.

The sentence always reads, black man, black pants, black hat, black shirt and black hair. That is the description of every black man in the city who decided to wear black that day. The report would sound better if it read, black man, unidentified.

This gives officers the right to harass any black man in black. Racism is still alive in every way, but it is sometimes hidden very well.

Monica Michelle Jones
U.S. Navy

First of all, how is this racism?

Secondly, what alternative does Ms Jones propose to "harassing" any black man in black? That they harass ALL black men instead? That sounds even worse.

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