Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Are Blacks Trigger Happy?

I was present at a university discussion today about racism and ethnic identity in Britain. There were a lot of black contributors there, and I was struck by how shallow their view of racism is.

As part of a presentation, one black girl showed a slide showing a Tory advertising slogan: "It's not racist to put controls on immigration". She went on to say, "Well, actually it is". There was no further explanation of this broad and baseless statement.

Elsewhere, another black contributor accused the media of fostering racist attitudes. His example was that of the recent London gang shootings, where he claimed that the media was wrong to associate such crimes with blacks (not that they ever did; in fact they studiously avoided making such deliberate connections in the name of sensitivity) because one of the victims was not black but half-Chinese. So? That does not address all the other black people involved, and it makes no attempt to get to the roots of where this gun culture starts.

The most telling comment came from a white girl who said that she grew up in an area where whites were the minority group, and yet she never felt as if she was being held back or being denied chances in life because of her minority status. She just got on with it. To me, this affirms the idea that too many black people lazily play the race card instead of actually working hard and being good moral citizens. That's not to say there aren't those who don't follow this pattern, but I think some people need to examine more deeply the roots and development of black culture and I think they would see that such culture DOES have it's problems. Denying this fact doesn't help anyone and only leads to expansion and more of the same.

Overall, it was an interesting afternoon, and it was a shame there weren't more people there to give an alternative view to some the rather incomplete viewpoints I heard uttered.


A couple of stories here about black people being racially abused and discriminated against, including physical violence.

1. Black Family Sues Town Over Alleged Racism

2. Parents File $5m Racism Suit Against School

I'm always wary to take claims such as these two seriously based only on quotes as I believe many black people are too quick to accuse whiteys of racism. But these two cases certainly do look like racism and if so the culprits should be disciplined. But $5m dollars for a lawsuit against bullying is a bit much, isn't it?

Then there's this:

We reported last week on Foxy Brown's [a black female rapper] arrest at a Miami beauty supply shop. Now Brown is claiming that the incident was originally reported inaccurately and she in fact was the victim in the incident. She held a press conference at a Brooklyn church on Monday to tell her side of the story.

She stated at the press conference that she was dragged out of the stores bathroom half naked and was harassed by the police because of the color of her skin. "The only crime I'm guilty of is being a young black woman," Brown said at the press conference.

Brown is being charged for resisting an officer and simple battery. If convicted of the charges, she could face jail time for violating her probation. She will appear in front of a Manhattan judge this week.
Simply put...I don't believe her.

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

At Last, The Truth Reaches TV Screens

Praise some kind of Lord. Here we have a video of Muslim apostate Ayaan Hirsi Ali talking on American TV about how Islam is NOT a religion of peace (she should know, since she now faces death threats for leaving it) - and Bill Maher, a known lefty, AGREES with her. It's great to see that the message finally seems to be spreading, and that now we are able to actually have real debate about these issues without baseless accusations of bigotry being thrown. The real highlight is Ali's thorough and definitive rebuttal of one of the participants' claim that Muslims and non-Muslims have co-existed peacefully in the Middle East for hundreds of years.

Great stuff; long may it continue.

Monday, 26 February 2007

Censor The Qu'ran?

A Danish political party is calling for parts of the Qu'ran to be censored because they encourage jihad violence.

The best possible reaction to this would be for there to be a serious debate among Muslims and non-Muslims alike about the passages of the Qu'ran that encourage jihad, and then a concerted initiative to reform the religion and teach all Muslims NOT to act on these passages. Right?

So why do I get the feeling that all they're going to do is cry "racism"?

And for the record, here are just a few of the Qu'ranic passages I found that encourage jihad and need reform (the last one also promises a place in Paradise for those who die fighting in Allah's name):

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. (2:190-191)

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (9:29)

Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme. (9:111)

Friday, 23 February 2007

Friday Share

It's been some fairly poppy, mainstream stuff the last few weeks, so lets have something a bit heavier and more obscure.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Gibraltan metal band Breed 77 with "La Ultima Hora":

More Awareness Training...

According to this article, sporting heroes from across the county and Scotland have been in Workington to promote an anti-racism campaign. Members of Carlisle United, Gretna FC, Whitehaven RL, Workington Town and Workington Reds visited Stainburn School as part of the Government’s Respect agenda. Around 50 youngsters were given talks and took part in activities to raise awareness of racism issues and then received training from Carlisle United, Gretna FC and Whitehaven RL community coaches.

"To raise awareness of racism issues..." How pointless. Already we can't turn around without some PC pleb shoving racism in our face. We're all perfectly aware of the issues, thanks; we hear enough about them from the media.

Footballers should not be involved in politics.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

MCB: "Ban Un-Islamic School Activities"

The "moderate" Muslim Council of Britain is calling for "un-Islamic" activities - including playground games, swimming lessons, school plays, parents’ evenings and even vaccinations - to be banned from British schools. And we're not just talking Muslim kids either; they want EVERYONE to suffer. One would almost think they have no respect for British culture.

Egyptian Blogger Jailed For Insulting Islam

An Egyptian court has sentenced a blogger to four years' prison for insulting Islam and the president.

Abdel Kareem Soliman's trial was the first time that a blogger had been prosecuted in Egypt.

He had used his web log to criticise the country's top Islamic institution, al-Azhar university and President Hosni Mubarak, whom he called a dictator.

Jeez, it's almost like Islamic law makes it a crime to insult Islam or something.

I wonder where they got that idea from?

Then evil was the end of those who did evil, because they rejected the communications of Allah and used to mock them. (Qu'ran; 30:10)

Train your Kids For Ramadan

At the website, one of the moderators tells his board members:

At 10 if they do not pray, you ‘have’ to hit them.

Before that and for anything else, it’s an optional thing. But at the age of 10, you ‘have to’

So at the age of 5 if they look funny, you can probably hit them.

This professes to be a "moderate" site.

15 Years And What Has Changed?

The UN will mark the 15th anniversary of the repeal of the General Assembly Resolution that equated Zionism with racism today.

Resolution 3379, adopted in 1975 and repealed in December 1991, declared that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination." It was one of countless resolutions reflecting a long-standing antagonism between the UN and Israel.

And, despite this so called "repeal", that antagonism still continues today.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Militants Are All The Same

This story details how "militants" are making intimidating threats against hopefuls soon to be auditioning for Indian Idol, claiming the show is vulgar and goes against their values.

Hmmm - militants? Wonder what religion they might be? This is India, after all. Could they be Hindus? Buddhists?


In recent years, various militant groups have attempted to enforce Islamic values, particularly a dress code, in the region.

They were Muslims! Should have known!

I wonder where all those terrorist groups from other religions have gone...

Islamic Honour Killing

A Muslim man killed his wife and four children because he felt their lifestyles were becoming too Westernised.

Islamists don't just have to strap bombs to themselves and detonate in crowded city spaces to show their devotion to Mohammed. These kinds of honour killings are becoming increasingly more common from members of the "Religion of Peace".


1. Polish immigrants apparently face racism if they become homeless, according to a "hard-hitting" new report. The basis for this conclusion is that ONE Catholic agency asks what your country of origin is "as a basis for rationing their services". Of course, this could just be for informational or statistical purposes, and I'm not sure what Polish people have to do with it as they are never mentioned specifically in there, but you gotta remember someone's probably being paid to write this report...and they need something to write.

2. The number of "racist statements" has increased dramatically in Europe over the past year. This was certainly the case in the Netherlands, France, Italy and Belgium, said European Commissioner for Justice Franco Frattini after a visit to the Holocaust monument in Berlin on Tuesday. What constitutes a racist statement, who said them and what form they took isn't explained. More wishy-washy, PC nonsense.

3. And the BBC has answered back against the claims that they are racist against Africans, as I posted yesterday. Good for them.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

German Carnival Offends Muslims

A Muslim leader criticized a float in the city of Dusseldorf that satirically suggested Islam was not peaceful.

The float carried two identical cartoon-style papier-mache figures, each wearing a suicide-bomber’s belt and carrying a dagger and a pistol. The first was labelled ‘the cliche,’ the second was labelled ‘the reality.’

Both scowling figures were labelled ‘mullahs,’ a term used to describe both Shiite and Sunni clergy. The float was part of a carnival parade watched by more than half a million people in the western city of Dusseldorf.

Again we see how ANY satire which makes ANY reference to ANY possible connection between Islam and violence is deemed "offensive". One would think moderate Muslims would want to get to the heart of the issues which lead people to such concerns, but it seems they are far more inclined to just brush them off as the ramblings of bigots.

At least this reaction was actually pretty restrained and non-violent/non-threatening (by Muslim standards). I guess we have that to be thankful for.

A Taste of Their Own Medicine

Here the British government is being accused of "subtle" racism against Indian doctors.

And here the BBC is being accused of racism against Africans.

It is funny to see the sickeningly PC NuLabour and its lovechild the BBC facing accusations like this. They both deliberately bend over backwards not to appear racist, and would normally scream "racist" at everyone else, but now here they are being accused of it themselves, and I wonder how they like it. Are the accusations so much bull, or could it be possible that Labour and the BBC put so much effort into trying not to be racist that they actually show themselves off to be the REAL racists?

Jackson Co. Manager Fired Amid Charges Of Racism

This is an interesting story:

Amid charges that it was a racist move, Jackson County Commissioners have fired their county manager of nearly two years.

Commissioners voted 3-1 Monday night to fire Crandall Jones after nearly 70 minutes in a closed-door session. Commmissioners gave no reason for their decision -- sparking allegations of racism from nearly a dozen people in the crowd. Jones is black.

The truth of this one is unclear, and it really could go in any direction at the current time, but my guess is that this decision was NOT racist.

Monday, 19 February 2007

Mocking the Truth

There was a documentary on the BBC last night about the so-called "9/11 Truth" movement, the bunch of disgusting morons who believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the American government in order to start a war with the Arab nations to obtain their oil.

Surprisingly, it was actually very good. Some time was devoted to hearing these sickos' points of view and then the key arguments were thoroughly debunked. The documentary finished with the completely reasonable conclusion that the evidence does not support a 9/11 conspiracy; however the evidence DOES support the idea that the FBI was criminally negligent in failing to arrest two of the terrorists well in advance of the attacks, and that this information was covered up.

The notion that the Americans (the Jews were also involved in this elaborate plot, apparently) would kill 3000 of their own people in order to start a war is not only downright wrong; it is also deeply offensive and a despicable position to hold. Creating this kind of moral equivalence between a Western country and the kind of evil Islamic barbarians who DID commit this dreadful act of war is lower than the low. It is these "Truthers" and their ilk who truly help the terrorists' cause, and they should be profoundly ashamed of themselves.

BBC Poll: 56% Believe In Western-Islamic Solidarity

According to this article 56% of people from a number of different countries believe that common ground between the West and Islam can exist without violence and war.

I'm afraid they are misguided. The Islamic terrorist network has only one goal: to subvert the entire globe under Islamic Sharia rule (in line with Mohammed's commands from the Qu'ran: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya [Non-Islamic poll tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." [9:29]). They are not interested in peace or common ground; they want us all dead, preferably followed by themselves so they can enter Paradise while we enter Hell. There is no middle ground. While these people exist, there will NEVER be peace with militant Islam. This is the one true fact of the matter; everything else is idealistic and unattainable.


Back again after a free and peaceful weekend, with three new stories to comment on:

1. The UN's top anti-racism committee in Geneva is expected this week to hold Israel accountable for denying residency rights to Palestinians married to Israelis, and for failing to indict those responsible for the deaths of 13 Israeli Arabs in October 2000 riots.

But the UN don't seem to care much about the greater racial issue of the Palestinian government's desire to destroy Israel through Jihad.

2. 4 out of 10 Canadian aborigines are claiming racial discrimination from various institutions in the country.

As often is the case with these things, we only have their word to go on that any racism at all was involved. That's not to say they WEREN'T the victims of racism, but we only have their side of the story, and most minorities are less than reliable when it comes to portraying themselves as victims.

3. To calm fears of racist behavior, the Princeton borough will provide sensitivity training for its police department and reach out to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office to put together a booklet on the rights children have when police deem them suspects in a crime, Mayor Mildred Trotman said yesterday. The moves are a response to concerns some in the community have expressed about borough police being too quick to suspect young black males of criminal or gang activity. Concerns have also been sparked by the ability of police to make arrests in the schools.

This is more needless PC bureaucracy based on soundless accusations and will achieve nothing. As soon as institutions begin the process of "sensitivity training" we know we're in trouble. What is so wrong about arresting young black males on suspicion of crime and then releasing them? Just as many white people will experience this. But, what would our authorities have to occupy their time if there wasn't imaginary racism to crack down on?

Friday, 16 February 2007


...for the lack of racial stories posted this week. I wasn't able to find many in my searches and could only post what I found. My heart is still with this blog and I do try to post something every day, at least during the week; at weekends I may or may not post depending on whether I happen to hear anything interesting but I'm less likely to go actively looking for it.

Hopefully lots of juicy racism will happen next week so I can blog about it.

Friday Share

"Hysteria" by Muse:


There are whispers that there are talks going on to hammer out a deal on a film or TV adaption of Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series of novels, with J.J.Abrams of Lost fame set to direct.

Personally, I can't see anything substantial here and don't honestly believe these rumours, but if they are true I can't wait. The Dark Tower is my favourite series of books of all time. It has originality, humour, excitement and great, memorable characters. In my opinion Roland Deschain is the greatest literary character ever to bless the bookshops. If done right (and I would have good faith in Abrams to do it right) it could be absolutely brilliant.

Last year some time I was working in my spare time on a teleplay for the first "episode" of the series - which was based on the first book, The Gunslinger - and got part way through adapting the second book as well. Nothing official, you understand; just for my own amusement and curiosity as to what a TV adaption would be like. And if this series does materialise and is anything like the vision in my head, I'll be a very happy man.

Racism In Wyoming

Here is a good article about the racism supposedly experienced by an American-Indian sports team from Wyoming.

The article is good because it remains deliberately ambiguous about whether the events described in it really are racist or not. The usual media practice is to plaster the word "racism" across the top of the newspaper as soon as a black person catches a cold. So it was refreshing to see this article - by Associated Press, no less - leave it up to the reader to decide how racist these events were.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

It's Always Racism

I spotted this piece in the Business Standard today by T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan (a multicultural name if ever I saw one), in which he makes the crazy assumption that the UK government is institutionally racist. He bases this largely on the fact that the British Direct Airside Transit rules require travellers from 47 different countries (of which 44 are "non-white") to obtain a visa even if they are only passing through the country.

It is interesting how the author doesn't even stop to think about any other possible reasons why this might be the case; for him, it is automatically "racism". I don't know much about this visa, but to just outright stamp this as racism without really knowing the details is outrageous.

The rest of the article suddenly moves from Britain's institutional racism to the fact that pretty much everyone ever is apparently racist.

Waste of bandwidth.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Happy Valentines Day

No decent racism stories today, that I could find; so instead I'll just wish a Happy Valentines Day to one and all. Have a good one, if you're spending it with someone special.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007


There are at least two stories in the news today involving people who have been cleared of racism after the initial allegations were discovered to be unfounded.

First, there's Janet Street-Porter, who was accused of shouting "black bitch" at a neighbour. Turned out to be untrue.

Then there's this Johannesburg bus driver who was accused of racially abusing eight school children and forcing them off a bus. Again, this turned out to be untrue and it later emerged that the children had lied about the incident. Interestingly, this was black-on-white racism, which gets far less coverage in the media than the white-on-black kind, or any other kind. Shame on the children for making up such lies and it's nice to see that the situation was resolved amicably in the end.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Is Shilpa Shetty Racist?

Oh, supreme irony:

'Celebrity Big Brother' winner Shilpa Shetty has been accused of racism.

The Bollywood star, who was said to be the victim of racist bullying in the Big Brother house, starred in a TV comedy sketch, laughing at an actor with a "blacked-up" face and afro-wig on.

For the record I don't think this is racist, either. But it will be interesting to see whether this gets the same kind of coverage the Big Brother scandal did. My bet: NOPE.

Friday, 9 February 2007

Racism In The Housing Market

Welsh councils have been accused of being institutionally racist because "statistics" (what they are or the actual data they show is never explained) show that ethnic minorities fare "significantly worse" than whites in terms of their quality of housing.

These sound like hollow and unfounded and downright non-sensical hollow platitudes to me, but it would be interesting to see the actual data and what it truly shows rather than hearing the warped interpretation of some self-righteous liberal. It would also be interesting to see if the difference was truly "significant" as the article says. The term is always bandied about to show that report findings are "true" but the real truth is that there is a complex process and a formula that has to be undergone to decide if the results of your study are scientifically significant, involving chi and squares. And in 95% of cases the results AREN'T significant which gives any conclusions drawn total invalidity. So I wonder how significant this report really is.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Thursday Share

A modern classic this week; a song with a famous orchestral backing line and an equally famous video: "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve.

More Racism That Isn't

The head of the American Black Pro-Life Union, Day Gardner, is claiming that abortion is a business that makes most of its money by "killing black children".

Who is Gardner blaming for this? It's the mother who makes the choice, you know; not a white guy in a Klan outfit.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

More On The Dreaded Cartoons of Death

Two French Muslim groups are to sue a French satirical magazine for printing the Danish Mohammed cartoons.

This bit is most irritating:

Two of those caricatures make a link between Muslims and Muslim terrorists. That has a name and it’s called racism.

No it isn't; it's called OBSERVATION, and not only is it perfectly justified, it is also most definately NOT racist as Islam is not a race.

One of these groups, the Union of French Islamic Organisations, is connected to the radical Muslim Brotherhood and is partly funded by the Saudis.

Convert And Die

Muslims in France are converting to Christianity by the score, and most of them face ostracisation from their family and friends, and even death threats.

And guess what, this is directly in line with Mohammed's command when he said:

Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.

But I wouldn't expect any mainstream news sources to tell you that.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Black Man Or Black Man In Black?

This is one of the more absurd things I've read in a while:

I am tired of the killing that is going on in my hometown, Baton Rouge. I am also tired of the description of the suspects.

The sentence always reads, black man, black pants, black hat, black shirt and black hair. That is the description of every black man in the city who decided to wear black that day. The report would sound better if it read, black man, unidentified.

This gives officers the right to harass any black man in black. Racism is still alive in every way, but it is sometimes hidden very well.

Monica Michelle Jones
U.S. Navy

First of all, how is this racism?

Secondly, what alternative does Ms Jones propose to "harassing" any black man in black? That they harass ALL black men instead? That sounds even worse.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Something Different...

Let's lighten the tone now with a couple of clips from the American and French versions of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" The French one in particular is just stunning idiocy.

Glad we don't have dumbwits like that here. We just have cheats and Duchess's cousins.

Saudi Extremism In The UK

A British Muslim school is poisoning the minds of children as young as five with jihadist hatred. Read the shocking details here.


Today you can find stories about racism here, here and here.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

One Insult Is Greater Than Another

A German football fan who allegedly shouted racist insults at a black player faces a life ban.

If the allegations are true there is no defense for the comments, but it strikes me that this is just totally inconsistent. Ive been to quite a few football matches, and the players and referees are constantly subjected to streams of vile abuse from supporters. A lot of it originates from the North/South divide in England, and the rest is based on physical attributes and so on. Why is this seen as acceptable and yet racist abuse isn't? If this is worth a ban, some of the stuff I've heard should also be.

Saturday, 3 February 2007

Teacher Sacked For Muslim Comments

A secondary school teacher has been sacked for mentioning Islam in connection with suicide bombing. He denies the charges and was not even given a chance to defend himself.

Pathetic dhimmitude, as I have come to expect from this country.

Friday, 2 February 2007

Friday Share

I'm taking a break from the racial stories today, but here is "Time to Waste" by Alkaline Trio.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Anti-Semitic Attacks Rise

Violent attacks on British Jews have risen to record levels in the past year.

It would be interesting to see what percentage of these attacks were carried out by Muslims and/or their Western liberal supporters.

Islamist Guilty of Racial Hatred

"Breaking News" from the BBC:

A 31-year-old man has been found guilty of stirring up racial hatred during a demonstration against the publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.

Abdul Saleem was found guilty at the Old Bailey of using threatening, abusive and insulting behaviour during the demonstration in London.

The court heard he had been chanting slogans including "UK you will pay, Islam is on its way".