Sunday 16 November 2008

Reverse Racism?

The average earnings of black women in Britain are now higher than their white counterparts, according to government statistics. The Times says this is "a landmark social development that suggests the erosion of a long-standing racial barrier". What? Surely if you apply the same standards to this story that the media apply to other, more "conventional" racial stories, this is blatant racism, no? Don't we want black and white women to have EQUAL pay? Why is it that when white women are found (no doubt by researchers who already knew what they were going to find before they started) to earn more than black women, it's an example of the "institutional" (or even worse, "subtle") racism in British society, but when black women earn more than white it's actually touted as a good thing - the "erosion of a barrier"? It's totally wrong-headed.

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