Tuesday 18 November 2008

Oxford Rugby "Racists"

Four students pose glassy-eyed, blacked up and semi-naked in loincloths for an Africa themed party. The extreme political incorrectness of the picture will no doubt horrify the Oxford University authorities.

But why should it? Ethnic minorities are now given protection in this country (and others) that they don't need or deserve. "Blacking yourself up" is no more "racist" than going to a fancy dress party dressed as, say, a nurse or Spiderman is "offensive" towards nurses or Stan Lee. It simply cannot be racist to make yourself look like a person of another race, especially when you are at an AFRICA-THEMED PARTY!

But it's not like this protection is equal, either. As a commenter on the Daily Mail website points out, "In a recent movie, Eddie Murphy had his face whitened and played a white man. Isn't this racist? For goodness sake we should all grow up."

But it gets worse: at least two of the students are members of the university's under-21 rugby squad, which is already under investigation for alleged antisemitism after inviting players to bring "attractive Jewish girls" to a dinner last week.

Ah, yes: "Please bring along a fit Jewish girl. By the way, we hate Jews!"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank God! I've been wondering all day about the morons that take things like this completely out of context - thank God someone has some sense!