Tuesday 16 September 2008

Ex-Minister Accuses Israel of "Racism"

At the Tehran Times today we read how the former Israeli education minister, Shulamit Aloni, has slammed her country for its "racist", "brutal", "apartheid" policies.

The amount of falsehoods here should be obvious to anyone who keeps up with the news.

"the regime's constant refusal to a peace deal for decades"

Actually, just this week Ehud Olmert is crazily considering transferring 98.1% of the West Bank (which, incidentally, will still not be enough) to the Palestinians. In 2005 the Israelis pulled out of the Gaza Strip entirely and were met with only more rocket and mortar attacks. They have made numerous concessions to the Palestinians, including releasing hundreds of Islamic terrorists from prison as "good-will" gestures. They have called for peace time and time again. And all they have got in return is more violence. Hamas have repeatedly called off and violated truces with Israel, while the "moderate" party, Fatah, broadcasts television programmes about the ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews.

And Aloni has the cheek to blame Israel for all of this.

"and Israelis atrocities in the Palestinian territories."

Of course, no mention is made of the fact that Palestinians commit just as many, probably more, atrocities than do the Israelis. Or the fact that Israel tries as hard as it can to minimise civilian casualties, but Palestinian jihadists deliberately place themselves in civilian areas so that the Israelis have no choice but to take out innocents, which can then be used by the Palestinians for propaganda purposes.

The whole article is full of this kind of dishonest self-loathing and dhimmitude.

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