Wednesday 31 October 2007

Monthly Stats

At the beginning of the month I subscribed to a free web service which provides you with statistics for your website or blog: number of visitors, their locations, etc.

So here's a round-up of this month's stats:

Race Relations had a total of 73 unique visitors this month; that's an average of about 2 1/3 a day. Of these, the vast majority of users lived in either the US (which was top) or the UK (second place), but I also had visitors from Europe, Israel, and even a couple of Muslim countries: Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. Wonder what they made of it. The assassins are probably at my doorstep as I write. Happy Halloween!

They used a number of different web browsers, but most of them were using Windows XP to run those browsers.

Perhaps most interesting of all is the Google searches that led people to discover this site. There was a lot of interest in Islam that brought people here, and one of the odder text search strings that led people to find Race Relations was "authority hegemony hanafi cairo". I wonder what they were intending to find, but in any case I imagine it would have led them to my article about Islamic law. There was another strange one that two separate people got here by searching for: "watch X2". I imagine that would have led them to "Raw Watch X2", but what on earth were they looking for in the first place? A way to watch X-Men 2 online, perhaps?

There were also four people who got here by searching for "Islamispeace". Wonder whether they got what they expected.

What is most disconcerting is the fact that four people also found me by searching for the BNP. I can remember a few instances where they have been mentioned here, but I can't help but wonder how many of those who searched for them were hoping to find support for them when they clicked the link to this site.

Oh well, it is clear enough, I think, that I do not support the BNP, and I'm just going to take this moment to say to anyone who has visited Race Relations in the past month: you are welcome to come back again, and even comment!

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