Friday 31 August 2007


1. Here's a piece at the ominously titled "Race In the Workplace" website in which a woolly self-righteous liberal explains how we should respond to a racist joke. The most important part of it, we're told, is that we should not do anything to damage the working relationship between ourselves and our "racist" colleague. But inside we're allowed to hate them. Feel the tolerance.

2. Norway's health authority has admitted to racism in the ranks of its emergency services after widely publicized case involving a severely injured dark-skinned foreigner. The admission follows on the case in which medics called to attend to a dark-skinned immigrant injured in an Oslo park on August 8, had refused to help him and left him lying on the ground.

Of course, no one should take this as meaning that the WHOLE Norwegian health authority is racist. And I strongly urge against any initiatives being set up to teach "diversity" to every Norwegian ambulance crewman.

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