Monday 2 February 2009

Eurabia On The Horizon

Did you read the news over the weekend that the Muslim population of Britain is increasing 10 times faster than the rest of the population?

There is no doubt in my mind that as this number increases, we will see increasing demands for more and more sharia to be implemented in this country. I also have no doubt that there are Muslims within the UK who are here for this exact reason: to make Britain into an Islamic state, not by terrorism or invasion but by demographic conquest.

How can I be sure? Because they have made this abundantly clear. Euro-Arab meetings in Venice (1977) and Hamburg (1983) led to the institution of joint policies deliberately designed to increase not only the number of Muslim immigrants to Europe, in massive numbers, but also the general influence of Islam in the European political and civil spheres. Muslim immigrants were never at any point encouraged to integrate into European society – rather, the Arab countries insisted they were allowed to bring their own culture – often antithetical with Western democracy – with them and spread it through Europe. At a 1974 meeting in Lahore, numerous Muslim countries announced their plan to increase the Muslim population of Europe in "demographic preponderance".

In 1999 Guiseppe Bernardini, the Archbishop of Izmir in Turkey, claimed that at a major dialogue meeting between Muslims and European Christians, a prominent Muslim leader announced: "Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you." In 1974, the Algerian leader Houari Boumedienne said in a speech at the U.N.: "One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere to go to the northern hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory."

Europe is sleeping. Her dream is a lie. And if she doesn't wake up soon, she will die.

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