Tuesday 27 January 2009

Real (Obama-related) Racism Round-up

1. Man pleads guilty to Obama racism attack

2. A black American teenager had a rock hurled at him in Kelso on Sunday by a white teenager cursing both him and President Barack Obama.

3. Some idiot at a New York bakery is making cakes that are supposed to look like "black people".

As one commenter at the site says: "You know, it doesn’t much look like anything. Is he really meant to be a professional pastry chef? Geez, if you’re gonna take all that time and effort to make a racist cookie, do a good job at it. I bet Martha Stewart can make perfect looking hate filled cookies…"

Another commenter observes: "OH GOD where to begin? The glorious stupidity of the baker (”no one compained about my dead geese bread!”) The reporter sticking the cookie in otherwise unaware people’s faces (”Does this offend you!? DOES THIS OFFEND YOU!? ISN’T THIS OFFENSIVE?!)” The white people acting horrified and the black people not really caring..."

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