Tuesday 16 December 2008


1. Yesterday I posted about a young black guy who was killed in Russia, and said that while racism was a possible motivation for the attack, it wasn't the only option. Well, today comes this report on the increasingly widespread racist violence in Russia, which also discusses this same incident. It therefore seems increasingly likely that race was a motivating factor in the attack, and that such bigotry is a worrying trend in the country.

2. Read this article on a new American dating show, "Momma's Boys". It is eye-opening and somewhat hilarious to the extent that it demonstrates not only the depravity of modern reality television in general, but also how a blatant racist is being cynically exploited for ratings by American TV producers, including Ryan Seacrest, the host of American Idol.

3. A courageous stand against the bullying of our intellectual elites who have forced us into believing that only whites can be racist, and that pretty much all whites ARE racist ALL the time.

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