Sunday 31 August 2008

More Muslim Mosque Bigotry - This Time By "Women Preachers" - Caught On Film

In a follow-up to the infamous Dispatches documentary of last year that showed hidden camera footage of the hate and extremism being taught in British mosques, Channel 4 returned in secret to the Regent's Park mosque in London and found that nothing has changed - except for the fact that women are now preaching hate, as well.

During one sermon, a woman called Um Amira says: ‘He is Muslim, and he gets out of Islam...what are we going to do? We kill him, kill, kill.’

"Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him." (Bukhari v.9, b.88, no.6922, and others)

In the programme, to be screened tomorrow, she adds that women adulterers should be stoned to death.

Islamic law's prescription for adulterers is indeed death by stoning, which Muhammad himself recommended and practised on a few occasions.

One Saudi woman, who mocks other religions, says: ‘We feel nothing sometimes going past the church. What they say with their tongues is so vile and disgusting, it’s an abomination.’

As a Muslim, she may well believe this, since in Islam Christians are viewed as polytheists. In Islam, polytheism is called shirk, and is the worst crime any human being can commit: "Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed." Vile and disgusting, indeed.

What the hell have the police been doing all this time since the alarming findings of the previous Dispatches show? Except for trying to arrest the film-makers, that is.

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