Tuesday 22 July 2008

Letts: Rejoicing In Death

This is off-topic, but I had to post it. It's a piece by Quentin Letts in the Daily Mail about the disgusting hatred directed by Leftists at Margaret Thatcher. When it was announced recently that Lady Thatcher would be receiving a state funeral when she dies, the Guardian newspaper - in both its physical and online manifestations - published dozens of vile letters from readers in which they actually gloried in the prospect of Mrs. Thatcher's death. As with so many things, we see that the Left, despite their claims of moral purity and the evil of conservatism, are actually the ones who are full of hate and loathing.

This works with racial issues also. I have many times been called a racist or a hatemonger for my beliefs...despite the fact that Leftists are actually far more hateful of me than I am of any race or group of people, including them.

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