Friday 14 September 2007

Unconscious Segregation

I enjoyed this short piece at The Citizen by Father David Epps, regarding the human tendency to unconsciously segregate ourselves. Epps tells a story of a meeting of various chaplains, several of which were black. Eventually Epps noticed that the blacks were mostly sitting together and the whites were mostly sitting together. Epps, however, does not believe this is racism as, if asked, either group would have been perfectly happy to have members of the other group sitting with them.

I think this is 100% right. Such things are not "unconscious racism"; they are merely human nature. It is not unusual for people to group with other people who are "like them". They have to consciously make a decision to do otherwise. And in any case, I'd be willing to bet that liberal commentators would be inclined to somehow paint this as white racism, even though the blacks are equally to blame. Such is the way they distort all truth and common sense when it comes to racism.

But the best line of all from Epps, the one that sums it all up, is this one: "Sometimes, breakfast is just breakfast."

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